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  • Writer's pictureShay Gabay

Book review: The Ride of a Lifetime


I love to read books on the lifelong journeys of leading professionals. It inspires me.

There is so much you can learn from embedding yourself for a while in another person's life-fabric.

I've been following Bob Iger for few years now, watching YouTube episodes, reading the

book and taking his online course on MasterClass.

The book was quite a compleing read. There is a natural evolution through Iger's career path that made it easy to follow and relate to. Many well-known characters and personas are intertwined into the story. Famous people such as Steve Jobs and Michael Eisener

From my highligthed sections:

  • Bad news are something to deal with

  • Tevjnology has the power to revolutionize

  • Innovation is mandatory

  • Getting better all the time

  • Own your mistake is the key to be respected

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